Child accident and emergency Policy
To provide an environment that will minimise the possibility of an accident.
To ensure that prompt and effective action is taken in the event of an accident.
The safety of children, families, staff and other personnel who use the Service is of paramount importance.
Legislative Responsibility:
The incident, injury, trauma and illness policies and procedures of an education and care service required under regulation 168 must include procedures to be followed by nominated supervisors and staff members of, and volunteers at, the service in the event that a child--
(a) is injured; or
(b) becomes ill; or
(c) suffers a trauma.
The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that a parent of a child being educated and cared for by the service is notified as soon as practicable, but not later than 24 hours after the occurrence, if the child is involved in any incident, injury, trauma or illness while the child is being educated and cared for by the education and care service.
(1) The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that an incident, injury, trauma and illness record is kept in accordance with this regulation.
(3) The incident, injury, trauma and illness record must include--
(a) details of any incident in relation to a child or injury received by a child or trauma to which a child has been subjected while being educated and cared for by the education and care service, including--
(i) the name and age of the child; and
(ii) the circumstances leading to the incident, injury or trauma; and
(iii) the time and date the incident occurred, the injury was received or the child was subjected to the trauma;
(b) details of any illness which becomes apparent while the child is being educated and cared for by the education and care service or the family day care educator including--
(i) the name and age of the child; and
(ii) the relevant circumstances surrounding the child becoming ill and any apparent symptoms; and
(iii) the time and date of the apparent onset of the illness;
(c) details of the action taken by the education and care service or family day care educator in relation to any incident, injury, trauma or illness which a child has suffered while being educated and cared for by the education and care service or family day care educator, including--
(i) any medication administered or first aid provided; and
(ii) any medical personnel contacted;
(d) details of any person who witnessed the incident, injury or trauma;
(e) the name of any person--
(i) whom the education and care service notified or attempted to notify, of any incident, injury, trauma or illness which a child has suffered while being educated and cared for by the education and care service or family day care educator; and
(ii) the time and date of the notifications or attempted notifications;
(f) the name and signature of the person making an entry in the record, and the time and date that the entry was made.
(4) The information referred to in subregulation (3) must be included in the incident, injury, trauma and illness record as soon as practicable, but not later than 24 hours after the incident, injury or trauma, or the onset of the illness
- In the event of an accident the Educator at the scene of the accident will attend to the persons involved. Educators will determine the severity of the accident and administer first-aid or seek professional help as necessary in consultation with Management.
- Adult/child ratio should be maintained whilst the Educator attends to the injured persons.
- When immediate medical aid seems imperative – Ask another Educator to TELEPHONE 000 FOR AN AMBULANCE FIRST.
- For serious accidents contact parents/next of kin and advise nature of injury and any action taken.
- If an ambulance is summonsed the Approved Provider / Educator at the scene of the accident is to accompany the persons until the parent or authorised emergency contact person arrives. If contact with parent or emergency person is not initially achieved an Educator will be designated to continue phoning. The Educator is to take enrolment forms with them and record details for the accident report.
- The Approved Provider and management are to be made aware of any serious accidents.
- Record in the Accident Report all relevant details.
- All educators hold a current first aid certificate and are capable of managing minor accidents/incidents. These are reported to families using an incident form. The report is written by the Educators in attendance and also signed by management. Parents also sign upon collecting their child. The parent is given a copy of this report while the Service retains the original copy.
- The first aid cupboard is situated in the dining room and is monitored monthly, to ensure that stock is in sufficient supply and to check the expiry dates of supplies. The cupboard and its contents are inaccessible to children and clearly labeled.
- There is also a fully stocked first aid kit in the office to use for emergency procedures
- SDS (Safety Data Sheets) are located on top of first aid box in the dining room.
- All Educators are made aware of a child diagnosed with an allergy via the “Special Dietary requirement” and “allergy list” documents. Children known to suffer from Asthma, anaphylactic reactions or epilepsy have individual action plans in place. For any Asthma, anaphylactic reactions or onset of seizures, Educators will administer first-aid.
- The risk minimisation plan will assist the Service to provide an environment that is as safe as possible for children with diagnosed medical conditions.
Reviewed and agreed upon by all staff July 2020
Sourced from ‘Health and Safety in Children’s Centre’s Model Policies and Practices 2nd Ed, Work Cover NSW, Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011