Supervision Policy
Aim :
To provide the children with a safe and secure environment as well as preventing injury by maintaining active supervision of the children throughout the day.
To ensure that children’s play is enjoyable and learning opportunities are promoted through careful observation and supervision.
Children require a safe and secure environment in which to play and learn. Educators have a duty of care to ensure all children are being actively supervised in a safe, hazard free area. Children often challenge their own abilities but are not always able to recognize the potential risks associated with these therefore active supervision by educators to oversee the children’s activities enables educators to respond quickly and appropriately to children’s needs. Active supervision and observation allows educators to support and build upon children’s play experiences identifying the need for independence and/or adult involvement.
- Early morning staff will conduct daily safety checks of the environment for any hazards that could lead to poisoning or injury.
- Educator will supervise children at all times.
- Position yourself to allow maximum observation of an area, following supervision plan and the use of lanyards in the Preschool & Kindy yard as a visual.
- Observe children’s play to anticipate whether they require assistance or prompt intervention in case of potential danger.
- When supervising a large group always scan and regularly look around the area to observe all children.
- listen closely to children who may be out of your direct line of sight
- Activities should be balanced to ensure risks are minimised taking into account age/development/size of the children and sufficient staff can tend to children’s needs.
- Children’s health should be monitored for early signs of illness and appropriate action taken particularly for children with known medical conditions.
- Upon departure from the Service ensure children are collected only by authorised people and check Xplor to acknowledge the child’s departure
- Ensure outdoor equipment is positioned to allow children’s play to be easily monitored. Consideration should be given to:
- Fall zones
- Traffic flow
- Minimising trip hazards
- Maintenance of equipment
- Educator rosters and routines will be designed to assist and enhance supervision ensuring regulation/licensing requirements are met.
- Direct and constant supervision is required at all times when children are near water.
- Educators will inform each other if they need to leave a designated area of supervision.
- Issues / evaluations regarding supervision will be discussed at staff meetings.
- This policy relates to and should be read in conjunction with Nappy Changing Policy, Infection Control Policy and Staff Policy.
Reviewed and agreed upon by all staff October 2023
Referenced from NCAC facts sheets
Guide to the National Quality Standards: October, 2011