Goals for Teaching and Learning
- Through presentation of experiences and our interactions, teaching children about respect for others, ourselves, the environment and possessions.
- To recognise that all parts of the day can be utilised as a learning experience for children.
- To ensure that children’s play experiences are enjoyable and rewarding opportunities for learning.
- To provide an inclusive environment for all children and families
- To share information with families to be able to plan for children effectively; recognising families as children’s most influential teachers; supporting children and their families through all transitions as they grow and develop.
- To extend children’s skills toward independence and promote a positive attitude toward learning through our conversations and actions.
References: “Leading successful change to meet the NQF.”Aug 2011
“Principles and Practices for driving the EYLF.”
“Talking about play” The EYLF PLP Number:1.
Family input from Family Values, Beliefs and information surveys, Jan 2014
Reviewed and agreed upon by all staff, March 2020