Interaction with children Policy
We aim to provide respectful, reciprocal and responsive interactions, which are sensitive to the needs of individual children and their families.
Positive and meaningful interactions with children will provide a sense of security and belonging within our service; assist with the development of positive self-identity and self-esteem; support children as they strive to become confident and involved learners; and develop the skills and understandings to be able to interact positively with others.
* Educators will engage in warm, meaningful and enjoyable interactions
(verbal and non-verbal) with all children on an individual level, as well as in small and large group situations each day.
* Educators will listen to what children say and respond to children’s
non-verbal cues and communication strategies
* Educators will participate in children’s play, knowing whether to allow for independence or to scaffold children’s learning through intentional teaching practices.
* Educators will provide comfort to children who are distressed or upset
* Educators will acknowledge children’s efforts and achievements
* Educators will assist children to communicate effectively with their peers, and support their social experiences
* Educators will assist children to develop effective conflict resolution strategies and guide positive behaviours
* Educators will model respectful relationships through positive interactions with colleagues.
Reviewed and agreed upon by all staff May 2020
“Principles and Practice for driving the EYLF
Kay Margetts & Bridie Raban. 2011
“Guide to the National Quality Standard”
ACECQA. 2011